Evaluations, monitoring & human rights

Riobamba Human Rights AB is a company based in Sweden dedicated to international development cooperation with emphasis on evaluations, monitoring and human rights services. It's owner Jocke Nyberg has conducted 50+ evaluations in approximately 30 countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe. 

My services 

Explore my services and experiences from 30+ years of work with international development cooperation for human rights, democracy, capacity and peace building 


Theory & Practice of multiple forms of evaluations (strategic, sector, country, programme, project) using different methodologies and data collection/analisis/presentation methods: Outcome mapping, Outcome Harvesting, Most Significant Changes, Contribution Analysis and more


Practice of monitoring based on Result Based Management and Logical Framework Approach as strategies, planning and follow up instruments.

Theory of Change

Support with graphic presentation and text formulation of Theory of Change which is part of planning, analysis and adaptation in programmes and projects related to democracy, human rights, peace and general capacity building

Capacity building 

Support to capacity building, organisational assessments and strengthening of public authorities and civil society organisations in a variety of contexts.

Human Rights  

Advisory services for indepth understanding and use of human rights in planning, implementation and reporting in projects and programmes, including the Human Rights Based Approach 

Context analysis 

Mapping and analysis of political, social, economic and cultural contexts for a better understanding of programme and project planning and adaptation

My history and experiences 

My professional career started as a journalist in the 1970's. In the early 1980's I worked two years as a professional journalist volunteer in Ecuador at an NGO devoted to popular education supporting small peasant and trade union organisations. Back in Sweden a was the editor of a magazine on Latin American affairs for six years.

In the mid-90's I was went to El Salvador for a programme officer and later director position at Save the Children Sweden's regional office for Central America. On the return to Sweden, I co-founded a communication and evaluation cooperative, Context, and after a few years headed for Colombia, recruited by Sida to the Swedish Embassy as the first development cooperation official. Great time in Colombia, a country which I admire. Among other things, I was part of the international observation team at the peace negotiating table with FARC and the Government and had the opportunity to negotiate with the ELN guerilla leadership for the unconditional release of a kidnapped Danish EU cooperation official. My experience as a diplomat is also at Sweden's embassy in Guatemala, covering analysis and reporting of the situation for human rights and the political development.

My consultancy career has lasted for more than 25 years, with my own and other companies.  I have conducted 50+ sector, country, programme and project evaluations and delivered advisory services on monitoring, organisational assessment, theory of change, human rights (including HRBA) and other thematic fields in development cooperation. The picture on the left side is from a book on transitional justice in Peru, the forensic anthropology lab in Ayacucho where Sweden supported the search and identification of forced disappeared farmers and social leaders.

Examples of recent conducted evaluations

Secondment of Swedish experts to the European Union 

Year, country & title: 2023, Europe:Resultat-evaluation of the Folke Bernadotte Academy’s secondment program for civil crisis management and peace support to the European External Action Service (EEAS). Original in Swedish.
Method: Contribution analysis and Outcome Mapping
Client: Folke Bernadotte Academy, the Swedish public agency for peace, security and development
No. of days of work: 18

Exiled colombians contribution to the truth commission 

Year, country & title: 2023, Sweden-Colombia: Evaluation of the contribution by the Colombian diasporato the findings of the Colombian Truth Commission within the framework of transitional justice and peace.
Method: Outcome mapping
Client: Swedish Foundation for Human Rights
No. of days of work: 15

East Jerusalem Youth Agents of Change 

Year, region & title: 2023-2023, Palestine: East Jerusalem Youth Agents of Change. Supported by European Union and the Danish government
Led by the DanChurchAid & Norwegian Church Aid
Method: Outcome harvesting
Client: Danish Church Aid
No. of days of work: 35

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