My history and experiences
My professional career started as a
journalist in the 1970's. In the early 1980's I worked two years as a
professional journalist volunteer in Ecuador at an NGO devoted to popular
education supporting small peasant and trade union organisations. Back in
Sweden a was the editor of a magazine on Latin American affairs for six years.
In the mid-90's I was went to El Salvador
for a programme officer and later director position at Save the Children
Sweden's regional office for Central America. On the return to Sweden, I
co-founded a communication and evaluation cooperative, Context, and after a few
years headed for Colombia, recruited by Sida to the Swedish Embassy as the
first development cooperation official. Great time in Colombia, a country which
I admire. Among other things, I was part of the international observation team
at the peace negotiating table with FARC and the Government and had the
opportunity to negotiate with the ELN guerilla leadership for the unconditional
release of a kidnapped Danish EU cooperation official. My experience as a
diplomat is also at Sweden's embassy in Guatemala, covering analysis and
reporting of the situation for human rights and the political development.
My consultancy career has lasted for more
than 25 years, with my own and other companies. I have conducted 50+ sector, country,
programme and project evaluations and delivered advisory services on
monitoring, organisational assessment, theory of change, human rights
(including HRBA) and other thematic fields in development cooperation. The
picture on the left side is from a
book on transitional justice in Peru, the forensic anthropology lab in
Ayacucho where Sweden supported the search and identification of forced
disappeared farmers and social leaders.